Teenage skin care – Face washing FAQs with Dr Kate DeAmbrosis

Teenage skin care – Face washing FAQs with Dr Kate DeAmbrosis

Although acne isn’t caused by not cleansing your face, regular cleansing is an important step in your acne treatment routine. Dr Kate DeAmbrosis answers your frequently asked questions about face washing.

Q. Can washing your face too much cause acne?

A. It may not directly cause acne, but it is likely to irritate your skin and make it more susceptible to breakouts if you’re prone to them. It also can dry out your skin, stripping away the protective layer of oil and microbes that help protect your skin from the bacteria that contribute to cystic acne.

Q. What happens if you don’t wash your face enough if you have acne?

A. Your skin is likely to break out. Although dirty skin is not the cause of acne, allowing grime, oil, perspiration, makeup, and other products to accumulate on your skin creates a perfect storm for pimples and other acne lesions to form.

Q. If I have acne, should I wash my face more often than someone with clear skin?

A Regardless of whether you have acne or not, it’s important to keep your face clean. Most people should wash in the morning with a gentle cleanser and before applying sunscreen,  moisturiser and makeup; and then again at night before bed to remove those products plus any grime accumulated during the day. You also should wash your face after you’ve been sweating heavily.

Q. Why should I wash my face in the morning if I have acne?

A. Whether you have acne or not, bacteria accumulate on your skin during the night, no matter how thoroughly you cleansed it the night before.

Remember, acne is a normal part of growing up. But there’s no reason your teen has to struggle with it when there are so many great acne treatment options available. Dr Kate DeAmbrosis is a specialist dermatologist who is nationally recognised for advising on teen skincare. Contact Valley Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation with Dr DeAmbrosis.

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