Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Welcome to Valley Plastic Surgery. Our team of highly experienced staff is committed to delivering professional and personalized advice and treatment with a focus on patient care.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Welcome to Valley Plastic Surgery. Our team of highly experienced staff is committed to delivering professional and personalized advice and treatment with a focus on patient care.




Dr Christopher Jardim 01, Valley Plastic Surgery

Chris Jardim

BSc. MBBS FRACS (Plast.)

Dr Raymond Goh, profile 05, plastic surgeon in Brisbane

Raymond Goh

MBBS (Hons) FRACS (Plast.)

(Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.)

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a commonly occurring condition of the hand that can have drastic effects on a person’s quality of life as well as their ability to work. It is more common in women and in people who perform repetitive manual work.

Symptoms include numbness, “pins and needles”, weakness of the hand, and pain. The underlying cause is a combination of tightening of a ligament over the wrist, and narrowing of the tunnel in which the nerve travels through. When the nerve becomes compressed, it can lead to pain and paraesthesia (“pins and needles”). If left untreated for a prolonged period of time, blood and oxygen supply to the nerve becomes reduced, and weakness of the hand begins to ensue as muscles waste away.

A diagnosis of this condition is based upon the typical clinical history, physical examination and a nerve conduction study. If Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is diagnosed, you may require a surgical procedure called a Carpal Tunnel Release.

This operation involves an incision about 3-5cm over the surface of the wrist, cutting the tight ligament, and opening up the tunnel in which the nerve travels through. The procedure is normally performed as a day case  and can be performed under general anaesthetic or local anaesthetic.